a guide to harm reduction

covering topics like nutrition, how to take care of yourself, and dangerous tactics that need to stop!

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-` intro ยด-

i made this carrd to share safety tips with edtwt and those who struggle with an ed.because many of our habits and practices are unsafe and harmful, it's important that we do whatever we can to minimize the damage (although it can never be fully erased).ex. because prolonged dry fasts can result in severe dehydration, we can water fast instead. this option is much safer (and sometimes more effective) than dry fasting.knowledge is power!

-` disclaimer ยด-

this is for edtwt only. most of the info in this carrd is inherently disordered and damaging, so if you're not already there, please don't go further.

it's also important to note that the tips in this carrd will not relieve you completely of any ed symptoms. it's simply meant to ease them in small ways.

my sources are not substitutes for actual medical advice. please, please, PLEASE see a doctor for any serious or needed help.

all tips are from edtwt threads and internet resources.

if there is an error of any kind, from spelling to informational accuracy, please don't hesitate to reach out to me. i want this to be as helpful as possible!

poor sleep makes you fat

in many ways, poor sleep can cause weight gain. it can make you too tired to workout or even include basic physical activity (walking, standing, etc). obviously this lack of activity can cause an accumulation of excess weight.

you burn less calories

studies have shown that poor sleep can impact the amount of cals burned. when ur body is exerting extra energy to stay awake, it lowers ur heart rate and makes it harder to burn calories both resting and during [physical activity.

chemical imbalances

โ˜† when people don't get enough sleep they have increased levels of a hunger hormone called ghrelin and decreased levels of the satiety/fullness hormone called leptin, which could lead to overeating and weight gainโ˜† typically, the increase of ghrelin causes cravings of unhealthy foods because of the sugar and sodium levels.โ˜† our insulin levels (which controls fat storage) gets disrupted when we have a poor sleep schedule which can lead to food being stored incorrectly as fat rather than nutrients.

larger cal intake

people with poor sleep on average consume about 300 calories a day more compared to when they are well-rested. Overall, most of the extra calories came from high-fat foods.


Research has showed that when study participants didn't get enough sleep for five days, they consumed more carbohydrates and gained nearly 2 pounds in that time.

anorexia nervosa

an eating disorder characterized by an abnormally low body weight, an intense fear of gaining weight, and a distorted perception of weight.